Pregnancy Shooting

Pregnancy is one of the greatest privileges of life.

Becoming Mom is the greatest gift a woman can receive, yet before we can get there, she has to face nine long, intense months of emotion and pain. Pregnancy is an extremely difficult phase for a woman: the body changes, the hormones go crazy and above all find themselves sharing a space as small as their own body with a person who does not even know and grows inside of her. Many women deal with the pregnancy with great tranquility: they follow ready-made courses, read long books on how to grow their baby best, seek and search on the internet useful information for dealing best in the day of delivery. There are women who, despite the bacon, continue to do sports or work. There are women with a husband beside them and others who are alone in facing such a big deal.

Pregnancy is a really special time. Seeing your body that changes so quickly is not easy to accept, yet that huge crippling, annoying bunny encloses the most beautiful and precious thing in the world: life.

That’s why I decided to devote some of my studio services to pregnant women. They guard the beauty of that great mystery that is maternity. Through my photographs I try to maintain and retain their feelings, their joys and concerns, their fears, but above all their strength. In their faces I can read the infinite questions. What’s your face? What color will your eyes or hair have? What voice will it have? Will I be a good mother? Through my goal I try to translate those emotions that only a pregnant woman can try, making them unforgettable even for them one day they become mothers.

So I chose to dedicate this small space to a young woman, Alessandra, who chose to be photographed in my studio at the ninth month of pregnancy, despite having passed the term for a few days.