More words throught the lens

“A thousand words do not leave an impression as deep as a single action,” said the great writer and poet Henrik Ibsen.

In our life we ​​say about twenty thousand words a day, and we never wonder if these are really indispensable. For our culture, words are the basis of communication. Still, we do not realize that most of our conversations are lost, remain in our memories for years, then vanish into nothingness and disappear with us. Likewise, images are imprinted in our minds, until they become something vague and far to the point of disappearing. Because there is nothing more labile and ethereal in our mind.

It is for this reason that the literary and figurative arts were born: poetry, painting and consequently photography. All this to make our memories something incommunicable and with them make us immortal. Why settle for words to tell the story of our past? Why rely on something so labile and corruptible when, thanks to photography, we can fix the images of our lives?

They are Andrea and Margareta. For anyone who knows them knows they do not need words to describe their love. Just look at them. Read their eyes, their looks. On the day of their wedding, I was happy to accompany them for this important stage they will never forget. As I will never forget the feeling that they have transmitted through their being so solar and unique. They did not use words for their big day, just small gestures. Those little gestures and smiles that I have been happy to capture through my photographs.

And as Isabel Allende writes: “A beautiful photo tells a story, reveals a place, an event, a mood, is more powerful than pages and pages written.”