Remember a photo in studio

What is photography, if not an indelible memory of our past? There is no better magic than to be able to relive moments far away as if they were clear and shiny in our present.

Even more beautiful, however, is to measure our past portrait from an old photograph with what we have become today. There are those who look more beautiful, the worse ones and who may be leaner or younger. Anyone smiles in front of a photograph. Feelings, feelings that can cause simple pieces of paper are innumerable: nostalgia, regret, fun or emotion.

A few days ago I happened to see a kid I had taken some photographs for a studio service, her name being Lorenzo. Lorenzo was an extremely expressive child. I was so impressed that I decided to use one of her photos to enrich my showroom. I met her parents for the baptism of her brother Diego. Coming to the store for the choice of photos they were excited to see their Lorenzo on our showcase and it was for me, however, a great surprise to be able to observe how big it has become a few years away. From that little angel that appeared in my photographs, she became a lively and full of energy.

Still happy with the previous service they asked me to do the same with little Diego.

Through my work I see many children who then disappear from my life as if nothing had happened, and in this case more than in others for the whole service I thought and thought of how it would become what for me now is just a child, But who will smile in a few years indicating my photographs. And with him, who knows how many people will laugh, they will tease and maybe give some tears by reliving moments of their lives through my camera.

This is the side of my job I love the most: I accompany people in the most beautiful moments of their lives, happy and joyful moments. People trust me, and I’ll soon see my eyes to help them remember. Because for a photographer there is nothing more beautiful than collecting emotions.