Monthly Archives: October 2023

A candy for Halloween

Halloween is upon us and with it has come the usual controversies of those who say that it shouldn’t be celebrated as it is a holiday foreign to us. Nothing could be further from the truth, and that’s why I thought I’d inform myself and inform you too, taking the opportunity to give you a sweet gift. It is thought that Halloween was brought to Italy by Americans. However, it is not known that it was the Europeans who exported […]

Communions and Confirmations 2023

The period of Communions and Confirmations has concluded again this year. My photographer collaborators and I had the pleasure of immortalizing the children of various parishes in my area. Like every year, it is nice to see the new faces of the little ones making their first communions and those of the confirmands who have already grown up in just one year. Like every year you bombarded me with questions. For this reason I thought I would dedicate a short […]