Monthly Archives: July 2017

More words throught the lens

“A thousand words do not leave an impression as deep as a single action,” said the great writer and poet Henrik Ibsen. In our life we ​​say about twenty thousand words a day, and we never wonder if these are really indispensable. For our culture, words are the basis of communication. Still, we do not realize that most of our conversations are lost, remain in our memories for years, then vanish into nothingness and disappear with us. Likewise, images are […]

Choose the details

It is not always easy to decide which details to include in my photographs. Especially if it’s a photo set for my studio. In most cases I rely on my creativity and instinct, it works a bit like a thunderbolt. So, by chance, I look around and an object captures my attention, so I let myself be inspired by what that detail transmits to me. In the studio starts from scratch. Even before my clients arrive I dedicate myself to […]

Remember a photo in studio

What is photography, if not an indelible memory of our past? There is no better magic than to be able to relive moments far away as if they were clear and shiny in our present. Even more beautiful, however, is to measure our past portrait from an old photograph with what we have become today. There are those who look more beautiful, the worse ones and who may be leaner or younger. Anyone smiles in front of a photograph. Feelings, […]

Pregnancy Shooting

Pregnancy is one of the greatest privileges of life. Becoming Mom is the greatest gift a woman can receive, yet before we can get there, she has to face nine long, intense months of emotion and pain. Pregnancy is an extremely difficult phase for a woman: the body changes, the hormones go crazy and above all find themselves sharing a space as small as their own body with a person who does not even know and grows inside of her. […]